It started with J. Lo. Now Kim Kardashian is the centerpiece in this brash, unexpected turn in women’s body fashions. Women want sensual buttocks again! The hour-glass figure is back and “apple bottoms” are in. Last year more than 10,000 American women had buttock augmentation, a 15% increase over 2012.
The Most Common Questions About Brazilian Buttock Lift
Q: How much of the fat survives the transfer process?
A: About 60% will survive. It takes 6 weeks to know how much permanent volume you have gained.
Q: How do I know if I’m a good candidate for this procedure?
If you have enough extra fat on your body you are probably a good candidate. If you’re too thin you won’t have a good outcome. Underweight patients need to gain 5 or 10 pounds before they can have this surgery.
Q: What’s the recovery like?
The biggest issue here is that you cannot sit normally for 2 to 6 weeks while the fat establishes itself. You must keep pressure off your buttocks or risk losing your surgical results. If necessary, people can sit for short periods with the help of pillows supporting the upper thigh. People who work should allow 2 weeks before returning to the office, and use the correct pillows and cushions for a month.
It’s important not to diet or lose weight after surgery. Losing weight will endanger your results.
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