A brachioplasty or arm lift by William Bruno Plastic Surgery is indicated for patients who have excess skin and fat of the upper arm area. Dr. Bruno’s approach to arm lift procedures is available near the communities of West Hollywood and Hollywood. Often times this is the result of weight fluctuations in a patientโ€™s life or due to significant weight loss after a gastric bypass or weight reduction surgery. If there is redundant, loose skin of the upper arm, liposuction alone will not help and the correct treatment of this area involves surgical excision or removal of the excess skin. Treating excess skin can be accomplished through a linear incision along the length of the arm from the elbow to the armpit, or in some cases, just an incision in the armpit alone. The surgery itself takes approximately two to three hours. Patients will wear a compressive garment for several weeks after the procedure and the recovery involves three to five days off of work.

Located near West Hollywood and Hollywood, William Bruno Plastic Surgery welcomes patients from across the country and the local community to have an arm lift consultation. Please feel free to contact our office and meet with Dr. Bruno to determine the ideal procedure for you.