I have Saline breast implants (425cc) now that I have had for 10 yrs. I am having them redone and having a hard time deciding between HP (High Profile) or Moderate.
I want to go a little bigger and was told either a 650cc HP or 550cc Moderate. I am worried that 650cc would be too big but 550cc moderate would make me look smaller than I am now. What should I go with?
A: Breast implant sizes and replacement
Is your current 425 cc implant a high profile implant? The number suggests that it is. There is a 550 cc high profile implant that you could use instead of the 650 cc. However, it’s hard to make recommendations without examining you directly and assessing your skin. 650cc is quite large, and much heavier than your current 425 cc implants, which over time, could lead to more sagging and loose skin.
Discuss the sizes again with your surgeon at a second consultation until you’re completely comfortable with your selection.