After a consult for Smart Lipo, I was told it would not do me much good cause I have a hernia (belly button), my abdominal wall is torn, and my muscles are protruding through, which is why I look 7 months pregnant. I know at 45, my skin will not just bounce back, so I was thinking of getting a full Tummy Tuck. Can a plastic surgeon do the repairs along with cosmetic stuff, or will I need 2 different surgeons?
A:ย Hernia and tummy tuck
If the umbilical (belly button) hernia is quite small, then your plastic surgeon should be able to repair this at the same time as your tummy tuck. If the hernia is noticed before surgery to be quite large, a consultation with a general surgeon is recommended as the repair may require mesh at the same time. Then both the general surgeon and plastic surgeon can work simultaneously to treat your abdominal wall. Some plastic surgeons may feel comfortable and competent to repair large hernias on their own.
Please consult with a board certified plastic surgeon who has familiarity with hernia repair techniques and is also board certified in general surgery.