I am 5’6″ tall; I weigh 120lbs; and I have 29″ ribcage with 34B breast size pre-op. My PS and I have decided on 500cc high-profile breast implants that will be placed under the muscle. I will be having the surgery in 3 days. Now I am concerned that 500cc may look too big for me. I tried 500cc sizers on with many shirts that I usually wear now, and I thought they look good, but I am still a little confused. Will I experience complications with this size?
A: Breast implant size
If you are 5 ft 6 in, and weigh 120 lbs, a 500cc implant may be too large for your frame. This is difficult to say definitively without examining your tissues or seeing your particular anatomy. If you are currently a B cup, you will likely be a D or DD cup with 500cc implants. The complications you may experience with this size are rippling/wrinkling of the implant, bottoming out in the future, or possibly malposition of the implant. Remember, the larger the implant, the heavier the implant and therefore more stretching and tension on the tissues.
I recommend meeting with your plastic surgeon again, trying on some smaller-sized implants, and re-evaluating the final cup size you would like to become